
January 1, 2006

Position Title Main Artist Main Genre Release Date Up Vote(s) Down Vote(s)
1 Waiting On the World to ChangeJohn MayerPop 2006-09-12
2 I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)John MayerRock 2006-01-01
3 BeliefJohn MayerPop 2006-09-12
4 GravityJohn MayerPop 2005-11-22
5 The Heart of LifeJohn MayerPop 2006-09-12
6 VulturesJohn MayerPop 2005-11-22
7 Stop This TrainJohn MayerPop 2006-09-12
8 Slow Dancing In a Burning RoomJohn MayerPop 2006-09-12
9 Bold As LoveJohn MayerRock 2006-01-01
10 Dreaming With a Broken HeartJohn MayerPop 2006-09-12
11 In RepairJohn MayerPop 2006-09-12
12 I'm Gonna Find Another YouJohn MayerRock 2006-01-01
13 SayJohn MayerPop 2007-11-20