The Good, the Bad, the Sexy

January 1, 2011

Position Title Main Artist Main Genre Release Date Up Vote(s) Down Vote(s)
1 LosingJoeRnB 2011-01-01
2 Time of Your LifeJoeRnB 2011-01-01
3 Almost ThereJoeRnB 2011-01-01
4 CirclesJoeRnB 2011-01-01
5 Pull My HairJoeRnB 2011-01-01
6 Dear JoeJoeRnB 2011-01-01
7 Slow KissesJoeRnB 2011-01-01
8 Lose ControlJoeRnB 2011-01-01
9 TonightJoeRnB 2011-01-01
10 ImpossibleJoeRnB 2011-01-01
11 Drink UpJoeRnB 2011-01-01