
January 1, 2016

Position Title Main Artist Main Genre Release Date Up Vote(s) Down Vote(s)
1 Diamond LetterChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
2 SteadyChrisette MicheleHip Hop 2015-11-13
3 Meant to BeChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
4 SoulmateChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
5 UnbreakableChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
6 To the MoonChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
7 Make Me FallChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
8 EqualChrisette MicheleHip Hop 2016-06-03
9 These StonesChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
10 Indy GirlChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
11 Us Against the WorldChrisette Michele 2016-01-01
12 Reinvent the WheelChrisette Michele 2016-01-01